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Cuando empecé me daban miedo las alturas. Pero después me acostumbré. Me llamo Ingrid de Oliveira y tengo dieciséis años. Ingrid Brasil Me encantaría estar en Río 2016 y ganar una medalla. Llevo...
Comienza el día con una voz amigable Una compañera discreta Toca esa canción que es tan evasiva Y la música mágica que en la mañana te da animo Empieza tu jornada y toma el camino abierto Hay magia...
Rahim Sara Andrade Filipa Schlesinger Isabel Galriça Sandra #How do you see your role in Portuguese cultural and artistic DNA structure?# Guerrilla. I honestly think that advertising is very...



I'm Rosária Morais Tiago Ferreira Sandra Pereira Sónia Jesus #How do you see your role in Portuguese cultural and artistic DNA structure?# With creativity... with quality... with irreverence...



Nuno Souto Olga Maria Barrisco Maria Leite Gomo #How do you see your role in Portuguese cultural and artistic DNA structure?# I just formed a company called O PÓNEI DIZ QUE NÃO; a group theatre that...



JFIF Exif SONY MHS-TS20 Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer 6.1.7600.16385 2012:08:19 04:03:23 0230 0100 2012:08:17 01:56:18 2012:08:17 01:56:18 dSONY PIC V400 AELOG barcode:-1066078184 IP1:0 IQREF : 200,...
I'm Damara Inglês Dulce Ramos Ricardo Trindade Tânia Correia #How do you see your role in Portuguese cultural and artistic DNA structure?# ...respond to a function, solve a problem. Work in...



T’was the night before Christmas and all was a-glow, A sleigh load of dreams lay in wait down below, The children were nestled as if tucked up in bed, While visions of fairy dust danced in their...