"Antioxidant Rich Foods With Every Meal" The postprandial state is a pro-oxidant state, meaning that after each meal free radicals are produced as our body assimilates the food, and...
you know i do have some really interesting facts about the east side - Acai Berry Select there is still a i'm really busy at work and active screen never eat fruits and vegetables - Acai Berry...
"Is Vitamin D the New Vitamin E?" It’s understandable that the Institute of Medicine chose to act conservatively when bumping up their vitamin D recommendation. An editorial in the...
"DRIED APPLES VS. CHOLESTEROL" Dried fruit is convenient, packed with nutrition, but which ones are the best? Here's raisins. Now this is per serving, per ounce, not per cup...
"AMLA VERSUS DIABETES" Dripping plant extracts on cancer cells in a test tube is a far cry from testing whole foods on whole people. Another amla study published recently, though,...
What are the best weight loss products for you? The best for one person may not necessarily be the best kind of product for another person, and every day the decision gets harder because there are...
One of the things I like to talk to my patients about is combining herbs, medicinal herbs, into the food. And so, we can actually make one of my favorite recipes, called eight treasures soup, or eight...
Hello everyone. The third eye is a term we use for the sixth chakra. A chakra is a vortex point where the stream of consciousness from your higher self, which is energy which we call Prana, feeds into...
"Dietary Guidelines: USDA Conflicts of Interest" Why do the federal dietary guidelines "sometimes favor the interests of the food and drug industries over the public’s...