Automatically translated by machine. Hello! Today's video is a tutorial which was requested from an outfit post that I did a little while ago. This style is a small overhead braid ending in a...
Automatically translated by machine. Hello! Today's video is about how to do a simple version of vintage style waves. Begin by brushing your hair and sectioning it into several parts. Curl...
Hello, today we're going to have some fun with a look inspired by the new Great Gatsby movie! Hey besties! Hmm, that 20's theme party is in 20 minutes! How can I get ready in time? A...
Hey, guys. Sydne Summer here of Think Thru Fashion. Now on today's episode of "Work It," I'm going to show you how to do an edgy-bold jumpsuit for the office. Now, I...
The biggest cause of debt in this country besides mortgages, student debt because there are no jobs out there for these people who trusted their country to be there for them. They basically did that...
EL REGRESO DE LOS SIETE MAGNÍFICOS Llévenlos a la plaza. - Hola, Chris. - Vin. Creía que trabajabas de escolta para la diligencia. - Lo dejé. - ¿Por qué? Por salud. El doctor me dijo que buscara un...