Hello my friends and welcome to the 2013! This will be a year full of art and creations. I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today I will show you how to draw a lion. We may start in many places,...
la plimulto de niaj klimaton tie sur tero havas estis amika por la lastaj mil jaroj sed dum la plimulto de la pasintaj tri milionoj jaroj poste estis multe pli malvarmaj ol nun kaj la regionoj kie la...
The snooze button, one of man's best inventions...until nine minutes later when the dreaded alarm strikes again. Except now you feel even more tired, so do you hit it again? Are those extra...
Welcome to Todd's dungen Todays slimy recipes comes straight from my garden so join me today as wel make slimy gummy worms So to start of with these slimy worms into a bowl pour in two cups of...