Hello this is Soezimax. I'm in Shiga now. We are filming of TV program in rest area of highway in Shiga. This... Prius...No! This is "Insight". We are using the Insight made...



Good morning!This is Soezimax. Today I'm in Shinbashi Tokyo. There are the Tamiya Plamodel Factory in Shinbashi. I wanted to go there...Let's go!! I goes out the Hibiyaguchi Shinbashi...



Size your finger anywhere, anytime with this handy tool from Esslinger.com! This plastic ring sizing tool is perfect for jewelers, traveling jewelry repairers, and customers: it’s handy design allows...
0:00:01.899,0:01:33.899 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} 0:00:01.649,0:00:01.899 {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Today I will teach to make a magic toy. This business is called Jacob's Ladder or chain magic. It is a chain formed by a bunch of rings locksmith, I used thick rings and they are screwed into...
OSAKA SHUNKASUTO!! The audition is today. Now here are 5 person. Other member has go to the recording. Let start the audition. You try the audition without other member. >Do you do the...
The Giant Eels. I'm in Nagasaki now. There is the wells the Giant Eels living. Let's go to there. The wells is inside of house's alley? It's here! The giant eels...
Hi this is Soezimax. I'm filming in the studio today. We use the car "Prius" on the filming. This is rental car. You know...I like a car. I'm very interested in the...



Hello, and good evening... Well, I'll drink beer again tonight. Sapporo Creamy White I've chilled my glass, you see... Foamy foamy foamy... Here,right here,It shows how to pour it....



Good morning! This is Soezimax. I'm in "Itami" airport now. *Itami airoport = Osaka international airport I must go to Tokyo. I walk around here until my flight. Going to the...

