(Teacher): "All Muslims have to do five things. Who knows what they are? (Children): "Shahadat, Saum, Salat, Hajj, and Zakat." (Teacher): (Children): "Which means…?"...
Tala al Badru ‘Alayna Min Thaniyati-al Wada' Wajaba Shukru ‘Alayna Ma da'a lillahi da' O the white moon rose over us From the valley of Wada' And we owe it to show gratefulness Where the call is to...
(Teacher): "The Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) told us that we must obey Allah and His messenger at all times. But who else did he tell us to listen to, and be close to?...
(Teacher): "Who can tell me how many months there are in one year?" (Children): "12 Months!" (Teacher): "Good!. Now who can tell me what those months are?"...
(Chorus): Oh Sing Children of the World Come together and hear the call Sing Children of the World Islam will unite us all Sing Children of the World Come together and hear the call Sing Children of...
(Teacher): "Now children, who knows what we should say before we start some new job or begin eating or go on a journey? Can anyone tell me?" (Children): "Teacher! Teacher! Me! Me.......
(Teacher): "Everything in the heavens and the earth has been created by Allah, He is Al Khaliq, the Creator. "If you look around you can see the beauty of what Allah has created, sometimes...
La illaha Ill Allah Muhammad Dur-Rasullullah Sall-Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam Al Khaaliq made the oceans Rivers, lakes, streams and rain Bow their waves in pure submission Upon the earth to praise his...