That nature moves in steady rythms and cycles is one of the most fundamental realities of the physical world. Look to the waxing and waning of the moon. The ebb and flow of the tides. The alternation...
Un, Deux, trois, Je ne veux pas le faire. Hello Youtube ! Je voulais faire cette vidéo parce que c'est les 1er décembre aujourd'hui et je vais m'épiler les aisselles. Ma...
♫ [Team Fortress intro music] ♫ I fear no man. But that thing... it scares me. (Masked breathing) No, I... I ain't, I ain't talking about that freak, alright? He's not here,...
Why did the United States attack Lybia, Iraq, Afganisthan and Yemen? Why are U.S. operatives helping to destabilize Syria? And why is the United States goverment so intent in taking down Iran? In...