Hi, I'm Melissa. Welcome to Candy Trips. I'm in pretty Neukölln, at Hermannplatz. Today, we're going to The Club to meet a cool drag queen. Let's see what...
Hello, everybody! So, today, I would like to give you one more information about the Jot Script. If you watched my recent videos about this stylus, and I hope you did, you might have noticed that I...
Welcome to The Point. We’ve got some excellent points for you guys today. Rob Delaney is a comedian. He’s got a point about feminism and misogyny so drama. We’ll talk about that. And Miss California...
Skrillex could best be described as one of the few artists to successfully blend electro and dubstep to form some type of new genre. Regardless of your stance on his music you can't argue with...
We at Amsterdam In Your Pocket have decided to give you a little walking tour of the city and what better place to start than at the Amsterdam Central Station. Built in 1889 it's a huge...
por dek jaroj ne nur nia programo regula gasto alternativa uzado ni unue intervjuis john en deknaŭ sepdek ok post li forlasis la c_i_a_ kaj ĝi ĵus eldonis libron en serĉo de malamikoj en kiu li...
DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYI: I would like to say how happy I am to receive President Obama in my country and in my house. The friendship between our two countries is of long standing. The United States has...