[Narrator] With every century Our eyes on the universe have been opened anew We are witness To the very brink of time and space [Robert Jastrow] We must ask ourselves We who are so proud of our...
In the battle of the sexes we are fiercely divided, who has a worse when it comes to pain? On the one hand, women are left with the task of fitting a watermelon sized object through a coin sized hole....
On those cold, rainy days when you forget your rain jacket or umbrella and you want to stay as dry as possible… should you walk and spend more time in the rain? Or should you run, which means...
i volas uh ... realigis lia unua demando uzante citaĵo c skribi mails en lia libro potenco plumbo aŭ iuj aliaj libro li diris ke se vi se iu komencas paroli pri potenco de la uzo de povo vi aŭtomate...