My name is Dervis Konuralp. I am a resident of Hackney- the London Borough of Hackney. I have been here, well since I can remember. Since I was a little’un. Be it I went to primary school here, I...
We want to share the thrills of sports around the world. Under the concept of "Sharing the Passion," Panasonic will deliver the thrills brought about by athletes along with their...
Sally Gunnell, Olympian: Two years to go and it's been brilliant just coming down to the whole Stadium, seeing how far it's got along. Chris Holmes, Director of Paralympic Integration,...
Prof. Rao Bhamidimari, London South Bank University : In August last year professor John Clarke, from the University of Illinois contacted us to work with us jointly in organising a technology and...
The 2012 Summer Olympics are coming to a close! I'm Alex and I've got the scoop on London's final weekend events, coming up on Olympics Buzz. A memorable London Olympic...
Paul Deighton, LOCOG Chief Executive: Well, today's the launch of our Changing Places programme, which is a great set of projects to really do something for the environment on the outskirts of...



We are here today with Peace One day at the Petchey Academy to launch the new strand of Film Nation, Short Switch is Truce. You know we are incredibly proud to be working with London 2012 and you know...
My name is Kate Gammel, I'm from Germany. I study International Business and Management at Aston University and at the moment I'm on a placement year tonight and i Bergen tonight...
Ruari Maybank – Project Sponsor Utilities: Hi I'm Ruari Maybank, What we are building here is a new Energy Centre which will provide heating, cooling and electricity to buildings on the Park...
My name is Peter Eriksson and I’m the Paralympic Head Coach for UK Athletics. That means I take care of all the Paralympic selection and management of the Paralympic team. We have a very close...