I have quite dark skin, and when I had my son, I suffered quite bad pigmentation; I had dark patches on my face. Everyone said it would go, but it would take a very long time for them to even slightly...
I used to think you should keep on experimenting and seeing new things. But after seeing a lot of the world, I now tend to return to the same spots. I enjoy the familiarity.
I was on a beach in Hawaii for a video shoot once, and it was incredibly beautiful. It had very fine black sand with a silver sparkle running through it.
I think we make a common mistake of all wanting to look younger, and I think there is nothing more attractive, charming and endearing than when you meet a woman and you think she looks amazing for her...
I realised that a lot of women felt the same way I did - they didn't want to wear heavy make-up, but, for whatever reason, there were elements in their skin they want to smooth out or cover.
I suppose I try to dress for women like me, women I would look at and think, 'Ah, she looks cool, she looks nice'. You kind of get to an age when you know what suits you.