Skrytá moc... tajemství, utajování a korupce... Myslíte, že znáte celý příběh? Tak přemýšlejte znovu... Byl jsem guvernér, NAVY Seal, bojovník... Slyšel jsem věci, které vás šokují... A si myslím, že...
the main pont's of most classes are your instance variables your data and your methods that icon that data i have a very simple classier cold my class it has to instance variables online seven...
C’est pour toi, ô, Ville de la prière, que je prie Pour toi, ô merveille des demeures, ô, toi, Fleur des Cités ô Quds, ô Quds, ô Quds, ô, Ville de la prière, c’est pour toi que je prie Nos regards,...
Welcome back. In this movie we are going to add some softening to the skin so we are going to merge over underline layers to the top most layer Shift+Option+Command+E. We will name this layersoft. Now...
[MUSIC] We ended the previous segment with Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World, which describes a world ruled with the help of psychiatric drugs. Everyone in this world is very happy all...
[MUSIC] >> In the previous segment we discussed various theories about the history of happiness. That they all have in common, this attitude towards happiness as if it is a product of...
[MUSIC] In the last few lessons, we have discussed the scientific revolution, and the impact that this revolution had on the world and on humankind. We saw that the last 500 years have witnessed a...