You must use the Force You must use the Force (repeat ad nauseam) You must use the Force Time ago, far, far away Long time ago, far, far away Kiss a Wookiee, kick a droid! Fly the Falcon through an...
Do you ever kiss in the rain? Yes. You do! I have. You have. Yes. What's up guys, Stuart Edge here. We're in Santa Monica. Kissing in the rain is probably one of the most romantic...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ Episode 11 She talks in her sleep now . I'm never going to get sleep. What the heck am I going to do ? That's right I...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ Episode 13. You arrived, Seung Jo-goon. Hi, Baek Seung Jo. Sit down. You don't have to be that surprised. I was surprised too...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ Episode 10 I will call you, Mother . Seung Jo, take care of yourself. Eat your meals, and eat lots of vegetables and fruits. And...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ Episode 9 . Stop right there! Hey! Hey stop right there you punk! Hey! <i>Baek Seung Jo is running with me Oh! it...
Both hands this time. Harnessing all the power. OOOWWW! Did you feel magic? Son of a... What's up guys! Stuart Edge here with my good friend Kaitlin Snow. My friend Grant Thompson jimmy rigged...
Qu'est-ce qui se passe les gars? Bord Stuart ici. Ils sont irlandais, alors nous allons mettre le "Kiss Me, je suis irlandais" tradition à l'épreuve. Baisers...