You must use the Force You must use the Force (repeat ad nauseam) You must use the Force Time ago, far, far away Long time ago, far, far away Kiss a Wookiee, kick a droid! Fly the Falcon through an...
C'est quoi ce truc bizarre? On dirait que c'est la seule chose que tu connaisses Tu en parles tous les jours Tu sais, c'est un truc pour gamins. La voie à suivre n'est...
I`m not very good at singing songs but here's a try If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch You must first invent the universe Space is filled with a network of wormholes You might...
[music] Hey it's me Destin, welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So we just got off this boat and we're gonna walk for about an hour in the jungle to find a moth pupa. OK Phil just found...
[Robert Winston] It's amazing to consider that I'm holding in my hands The place where someone once felt, thought, and loved For centuries, scientists have been battling to understand What this...