Hello, my name is Dr. Susan Jewell. And in this clip, we're going to talk about testicular biopsy. Now, what is a testicular biopsy? Now when the doctor suspects that maybe you have testicular...



Hello my name is Dr. Susan Jewell. Now in this clip we're going to show you how to do the Self Testicular Exam or the T.S.E. and in I'm going to show you actually how to palpate the...
Hey guys it's Phil here from L.A, I decided to do a review on Elite test 360 which is a great testosterone booster. I have a list of 3 favorite test boosters that I have either used myself or...
Hi! My name is Nikole and I write for healthybalanceddiet.org. What is the Ornish Diet? The Ornish Diet is an extremely low fat diet that is combined with yoga and meditation as well as a support...
Prostate biopsies are not inherently safe, they often turn out well but when they go badly, they can be life threatening. Mark Scholz: Okay, prostate biopsy is a way to find prostate cancer, it is...
Provenge is a form of immunotherapy that was developed by Dendreon Corporation. Provenge is indicated for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer. So what is that and who is a candidate for...



Small cell carcinoma of the prostate is a very rare form of prostate cancer. Most cancers of the prostate are what are called adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Small cell carcinomas typically originate...
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Hello, my name is Dr. Susan Jewell. Now in this clip we're going to talk about the visual inspection of the testicular self exam or the TSE. Now, the best time to do the testicular exam is...
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