Moving up in intensity, the next level of intensity with running would be an endurance run. In your base period you would want to start with what we call an extensive endurance run where the emphasis...
Hi, I'm Dave Campbell, I've been competing in endurance sports for thirty years and triathlon for ten of those years and we are going to talk today about the off-road triathlon, how to...
Again, as a triathlete you have to make what you do count. So for running, you should have at least one day a week where you emphasis some technique work. Where you run through some forms and after...
For the off-road triathlon, you can still do a portion of your training on your road bike. Easy days, technique days, where we emphasize spin, and you should ride between 80 and 100 rpm's. 90...
>> ALLEN: Hi everybody. I'm sorry we didn't get a larger room. We really didn't know that we'd have such a great crowd. But, thank you very much for...
(Music) Hello Austin Welcome back Before we get started here are a few facts about you Nation's best city for a fresh start (Music) #2 best city for working moms #5th most educated community...
שורש מציגים שורש מציגים ריצ'רד בוולס -- אצן אתגרי ריצת שביל ישראל 2013 אני רץ אולטרא כבר 13 שנה באוסטרליה. . בשנה האחרונה רצתי את כל שביל הביסנטניאל הלאומי באוסטרליה באורך של כמעט 5,300...
Stormy days things washed away seagulls cry Gave you a pink camera you'd wanted, and you said you'd visit the beach to hear the seagulls cry blue the ocean roar Said you'd get...
Plumbing Contractor for West Michigan MI, Cedar Springs MI, Sparta MI, Rockford MI. thing is one of those amazing luxury you said we take for granted all the time for getting help absolutely essential...