Kim Sport isn’t shy about showing breast cancer patients her body. She had a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery at the same time – and says she couldn’t be happier with the results. I felt it was...
A breast cancer diagnosis is devastating enough, but what if you're poor and you don't speak English, you're missing appointments, you can't read prescriptions and you...
Revolution on Represent 107.3 FM. My name is Tarek Now listeners you may remember not too long ago we had a spoken word artist by the name of Suli Breaks. Came down dropped a live session and alot of...
Rather than engage on points that are factual, you'll often hear that GMO is unnatural. Which of course is completely true like computers, cars and modern medicine too. But people still feel...
The Permanent Exhibition of the National Historical Museum covers the history of Modern Greece since the fall of Constantinople (1453) to the War of 1940. It is in the Center of Athens on Stadiou...
{ Slow Jazz Glazba Intro } period muzike u pozadini Za tebe to je samo pravo na . Pravo na tom putu ? Dakle, vaš sjedi na stolici ovde tako . To je u redu Alan . U redu , ovo je mjesto gdje sam...
you look so good naked you look so good dirty you look like a tender bud you look like fried fish I am the original item girl rest all are duplicates we will change the trend what silk use to do will...
There are many different types of breast reconstruction and the risks associated with these procedures vary. Here’s Dr. Evans explaining the risk factors and complications that may result from the...
Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and this is chemistry essentials video 9. It's on mass spectrometry which is a way that we can separate atoms, isotopes and even fragments of molecules based on...
There was a time when children were healthy there were no toxins, obesity or allergies there were no pesticide, GMO, frankenseeds Food was local, organic and free Then some companies came around and...