hi guys today im going to be showing you all the um rainbow looms I have made this is a zippy chain this is double beaded this is single beaded this is starburst this is a single middle I just thought...



The colourful mayor of our beautiful hometown was recently caught on tape manning the decks at a local fundraiser -- and the video prompted the Guardian to joke that maybe Rob Ford is secretly Burial,...
And i Will Stand my Ground until the End Till We Conquer Them all (We have to find a better Way) Till We Conquer them All Yes I Will lead You Trough the Smoke And Flames On The Frontlines of War And I...
Hi Folks -- this is Sid from 3 Minute Travel Tips. Walt Disney World Resort is now testing a new technology that will soon be available to all guests. It's called My Magic+ service and it uses...
Taurus: Cmon dawg, c'mon that's mine Clone: I got it. That's me, that's me Taurus: Let me have it tho, cmon bro! chill... chill.. CHILL!! Clone: Got em, that's...
Hello and welcome to the This is Genius Tuesday show, featuring your comments as well as: Obligatory tour of ousted world leader's cool stuff in Ukraine. And yes he has bears. The sound of...
We're here today to talk about doing tracks that sound like a band's playing in the studio. I don't have a tape based system here, and so I'm doing it all in the box....
I'm sorry sweetheart...this is the world I'm giving you today It's the same thing no matter what you read...from Delhi to Bombay I wish it was different darling...wish you...
...about the Ship Moving Company who is located on old Ashland City Highway. They've been in business since Nineteen and Fifty-four. ...about the Ship Moving Company who is located on old...
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