uh... an mississippi meaner susan savage davis is are suing the that she claims duluth her husband now this is mississippi mare five greg debt davis and up a really like dave separated and he had gone...
we've gotten the most shocking in some ways most tragic and i think most of them for peewee football gain in history and its leaning to penalties not for the players but for the adults...
robert gibbs who is in the post-debate spin room now we showed you clipper debbie wasserman schultz was confronted uh... on net issue the killers for the same people orga erica some us if you go to...
chorale weston tava smiley go on too much seeing now and they light a flame mandate came and will blow torch especially cornel west so first of all here's what he had to say about the press...
paul brown is a united states congressman from georgia sky mazen given what he's about to tell you this is the liberty baptist church sportsman's banquet last month pierce's...
thirty one-year-old woman in ireland uh... died after she had a miscarriage and doctors refuse to terminate the pregnancy uh... when she was about seventeen weeks pregnant she went into the hospital...
calvin edward butler has been arrested yet again because of his legal but injection business that he's been running illegally drugs that are supposed to do that he doesn't have any...
it's going back on the internet we don't know much about it because the person who posted it online is our unidentified on but it's basically a box with but that video and...
forty one-year-old car washer a shock to family when he showed up to his own funeral that was being held at his mom's house now this is what happened and there were reports on the news that a...