I love you back! I threw a wish in the well Don't ask me I'll never tell I looked to you as it fell And now you're in my way I trade my soul for a wish Pennies and dimes for a...
Do you have one of these? Hai uno di questi? I got a little obsessed with mine. Il mio mi ha un po' ossessionata In fact I got a little obsessed with all my stuff. In verità, tutti i miei...
this is a story about a world obsessed with stuff it's a story about a system in crisis. we're trashing the planet we're trashing each other and we're not even having...
What's up guys, Stuart Edge here with your friendly neighborhood spider-man and this is the spider-man kissing prank. Excuse me to have like 60 seconds for a survey? Who's your...
Now if you think in your brain hard enough of getting these bills to switch, do you think it will will? No! No, I think it will, man! What's up guys, Stuart Edge here. Basically, for this magic trick,...