待ち合わせた白いドアの喫茶店 大きな窓からスカイブルーに広がる世界 都会を離れて思った 呆気ないほど 日常はシンプルに 廻っているんだ 晴れのち曇り ときどき雨 答えようもない気持ち no reason reason...Baby 哀しみと no way no answer うまく付き合いたい 息を切らして あなたは来てくれた 「電話の声、ちょっと元気がなかったよ」と 優しい人で良かった...
This fading light must be playing a trick on me. How did you walk across the room & change the world I see. I lost my breath, lost my sight, And the room began to sway. I look at you, oh. You...
Ever heard my suffer I wonder why, is this real What have you done to me For no reason at all And I feared You don't seem Just gave up Why...do you care Everything is lost All hope is gone And I even...
He's got a temperature of 103. And why do we care? Because we're human beings. It's what we do. He said he was at a luncheon meeting. You took his history? Guy looks like Harpo. You should see him....



(function() {var opts = {artist: "Jackie_Lomax",song: "No Reason",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
Glaring through the bars At a world that I despise Everyday spent in confinement Everyday I'm victimized Thoughts of freedom dwindle Down to a memory Growing fainter and fainter Now pain is all I know...