PROFESSOR: So we have two basic agenda items today. The first is to finish up briefly our discussion of punishment from last lecture. And the second is to start with the third unit of the course, that...
There is a pattern to the introduction of technologies.  When Gutenberg invented the press, some of the earliest authors were frightened of having their words and thoughts set down and permanently...
Good morning. Before we start this session I just want to express our great satisfaction not only for the presence of such a strong Russian delegation - yesterday the Prime Minister, the President,...
Laura D'Andrea Tyson: Okay, good morning everyone. I'm Laura Tyson and I am going to moderate this panel and we are going to start and end on time and we have an extremely important...
Hello to everyone! This recording is a register of my presentation in July 25th in my Workshop of the IVR Congress 2013. The title of the presentation is "The Tension Between Facticity and...
We're gonna get some food. Are you good at driving backwards? About to find out *Laughs* Don't hit the fence Baby on board How am I lookin, how am I lookin? Your're good...



PsycTESTS is one of APA's newest databases and already it contains many thousands of tests. Because of our monthly updates, we expect this database to grow very quickly. In this tutorial, I...