examples from optus the milestone here are not allowed that's inappropriate it's it's short they have a right to do it and ended in a custody fight it's inappropriate...
the dependent got and in speed that's baloney collective interest side those are leading the other day then governments understanding there's a lot of customers he about this...
every situation with mel gibson you remember he got busted and he went on this anti-semitic grant and said %uh the juice dot all the wars itself that he went on to %uh comment on the server breasts...
Saluton, Interreto, Mi volas paroli pri Kanado, kiu ĉi-semajne aldonis unu eron al mia 'kialoj-por-ŝati-ŝin'-listo per la decido abolicii la pencon. Ĉar mi antaŭ nelonge faris videon...