I also took a trip out to California last month where I held some productive bilateral talks with your leader Lady Gaga My momma told me when i was young, we are all born superstars She rolled my hair...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com Episode 11 She talks in her sleep now . I'm never going to get sleep. What the heck am I going to do ? That's right I...
We are all connected; 私達は全てつながっている。 To each other, biologically お互いに、生物学的に To the earth, chemically 地球に、化学的に To the rest of the universe atomically 残りの宇宙には原子的に。 I think nature's imagination...
Was ist up guys? Stuart Edge hier. Sie sind Iren, so werden wir die "Kiss Me, I Irish bin" Tradition auf den Prüfstand gestellt. Kostenlose Küsse, weil ich Irish bin? Uh huh! Also...