Welcome to Absurdity Today, I’m Julianna Forlano A Massive Iceberg 'Twice the Size of Manhattan' Broke Off Greenland and started floating off shore. Upon hearing about this offshore...
[NBC Soledad O'Brien] There are few rescues and so nothing to do. Instead just grim discoveries; body parts instead of bodies. [ABC Peter Jennings] cousin which is terrorism uh... designed to...
MainstreamSmasher Buschrapper zeigen 11.SEPTEMBER-DIE DRITTE WAHRHEIT: Das Buch ist jezt für alle da! Seid gegrüßt ihr lieben Mitmenschen. Wenn sie diese Nachricht erhalten haben dann liegt das wohl...
nine high school students from the devoid high school in detroit are a lot of trouble because of the day wall art tee shirts that some officials say evokes the terrorist attacks against the world...