Do you ever kiss in the rain? Yes. You do! I have. You have. Yes. What's up guys, Stuart Edge here. We're in Santa Monica. Kissing in the rain is probably one of the most romantic...
Today I'm going to show you some of my favorite Halloween Pumpkin tips. And we're going to start with teeth or fangs. So take your pumpkin, and draw on a design. Hollow it out and...
Banks are the most heavily subsidised businesses in the world, specially protected by governments. While the money runs out for the rest of us, the largest private banks still thrive. This is because...
Now if you think in your brain hard enough of getting these bills to switch, do you think it will will? No! No, I think it will, man! What's up guys, Stuart Edge here. Basically, for this magic trick,...
Dus ikheb verzamelen al deze getallen op en we gaan om ze te vermenigvuldigen. En hopelijk dit zal ons een idee over wie je volgende kus zal zijn. Hoe gaat het jongens, Stuart Edge hier met mijn...