Звёздное небо в 9 часов вечера Сейчас заволокли облака, и ничего не видно. В такие вечера Я сильнее всего чувствовал одиночество. Когда пытаюсь закрыть уши, Всегда слышу Звук пианино, На котором ты...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...



Por supuesto, tuvimos nuestras tormentas veinte años de amor, un amor loco Mil veces tu hiciste las maletas mil veces yo levante el vuelo y cada mueble se acuerda en este cuarto sin cuna de los...



El mundo según John Coltrane Luego de tocar tantos años con tanta gente diferente, con músicos de rock'n roll, de "rhythm and blues" y de jazz, este hombre pensaba que podía...
I want to live In the dream that exhilarates me This day again! Sweet flame, I guard you in my soul Like a treasure! I want to live In the dream that exhilarates me This day again! Sweet flame, I...
>> A couple weeks ago we had the pleasure of hosting one of Seattle's jazz legends here in the "Pie" studio, ruby bishop. Here's an encore doing fats...
>> Laura Sullivan: Pianist Christopher O'Riley and cellist Matt Haimovitz are classically trained musicians, but both believe music doesn't have to be classical to be...



Mario, Mario Kart i can beat you on rainbow road, cause you're a Koopa Troopa and I'm playing as toad. Mario is speeding on his pirana kart, but Luigi's on the bullet bike and...



OLBERMANN: Eric Bishop was born on this date in 1967. You don't know him by that name. But as an aspiring standup who kept hitting the wall at comedy clubs, he noticed that on the rare...
[Music playing] She was probably the one of the biggest reasons I even came here. She's just, you know, a living legend. The focus of my reason for being here is to work with the students and...