Tourists Were in the Majority on the Bus by TravelPod member shaanandkate At the Base of the Temple by TravelPod member shaanandkate Kek Lok Si Temple by TravelPod member shaanandkate Kek Lok Si...
Did you take a medicine? No. I’ll be ok. Come home early and take a rest. I will. What is this? I picked that at a duty free shop. Oh, thank you. Do you like the fragrance? Yes. I like it. So, you...
Why does my wife eat so much? I hope you have not been dancing around to songs about how you like big butts while mocking her skinny one. Uh, no. That’s probably one vice I have never engaged in....
Bendy Tree by TravelPod member joeandmaryann Canyon Trails by TravelPod member joeandmaryann More Canyon Trails by TravelPod member joeandmaryann Cave/Tunnel to Lookout Ledge by TravelPod member...
Happy New Year tennis fans and welcome back to tennis now’s news update show. Gearing up for the Australian Open, the pros have been warming up and trying to overcome their off-season kinks in...
I love traveling alone. But the best part landing in a friend's home town is that when he can't come out his clan takes me in like one of the family. Tonight Andres close friend...
Now I want to describe a family of strategies that I'm calling hold at n, where n is an integer. For example, hold at 20 is a strategy that keeps on rolling until the pending score is greater...
05-Lisa and the Shamian Island Dancers!!! by TravelPod member brockandlisa The Chen Clan & Shamian Island Adventure by TravelPod member eddakath Shamian Island Starbucks, #1 on Earth by...
Intermittent fasting is not working for me. What's wrong? Fasting to lose weight only works if your average daily consumed calories goes down. If you eat more than twice as much on the days...
>>Tiffanie: so here we are at GaRRS >>Teresa: Hello! >>Tiffanie: Saturday, The youth group. We’re getting ready to do our PSAs, here’s Deontae...