A Film by the HCLU and Espolea The War on Drugs in Mexico - Is There an Alternative? Particularly in the Latin American continent drug trafficking played an important role in the recent increase in...
ron paul is now meeting in ohio are twenty three to twenty he is now second place in new hampshire if he is rising uh... tied looks really strong so they sent the panic it throughout this talbot when...
in the past uh... you know and of course ever makes it makes a huge to do about the debate it you know all my god make a change elections have been really was mainly based on nineteen sixty the famous...
uh... ok mit romney twenty-seven lies or you can call the main i think progress is calling the midst and thirty-eight minutes okay this is everything from i don't have a five trillion dollar...
NARRATOR: As Friday's fighting intensified, black smoke billowed up into the evening sky over Aleppo. Gathered near the historic Old City, fighters of the Free Syrian Army clashed with forces...
well you know we've been using draws for awhile now in the united states and some of the rom countries that are on our own a very good story dot referred bomb and were not as chilly at war...
man replacements take the black box and wonderful to see if the white folks make all about the right dot is an old list that was three hundred and several probability national brotherly means he...
examples from optus the milestone here are not allowed that's inappropriate it's it's short they have a right to do it and ended in a custody fight it's inappropriate...
tinnitus hounds is another racist individual who decided to read about obama's reelection on her face book page and that she sign something that batter into a little bit of trouble...