My name is Sallie Ann Robinson, I write, I cook, I demonstrate, I teach as much as possible. About once or twice a month I will invite friends and family to my house, because I really love to cook,...
Apple called Dudu when he made Schnitzels for his kids That was one of the best moments in my life And the best schnitzel! What did you say? Hold on. I'm just frying the schnitzels. flipping...
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Our energy use grows alarmingly Energy that we need for our way of life is essential for people in developing nations to live and grow The world can’t handle our demand for energy therefore we have...



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Let's start by taking a look at Final Cut Pro 6 and I have loaded one of our exercise files into it, the file called 'New England'. Now the process of exporting video is the...



Ok, so you've entered your search criteria and you've got a whole list of books and articles on your topic, but your not done yet. Remember, research isn't just about finding...



"Module Four: Redeeming a Customer Reward when the Customer Forgets their Reward Coupon" In this module, I'll explain how to redeem a reward coupon when a customer's...



Erik: Why should food media be more about education than entertainment? Cathy: Well, I mean, not to sound too naive, but I think that, yes, I understand there is a difference in tone for the purpose...