Twilight of mankind: human, leading himself to extinction, The deadlock of evolution means degradation and regress Dark instincts prevail, the lower ones gather in packs To fill their own pockets...
How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lu'ci-fer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I...
The first born chaos was a key to the spring of life. The birth of a star: beginning of a new epoch. Ever spinning wheel of a beings Invisible, but tangible It lives, it gives strength to the stars, a...



О боги, что во тьме бездонной, В чертогах призрачных небес Вы правите судьбою мироздания Где воля ваша ныне? Где былая мощь? Утеряно, растоптано завещанное вами Знание. Сквозь время вижу я великую...
Враг идет в Землю нашу, по жизни наши Бел лик врага того да черна душа Светлы речи его но суть зло они Где вы боги наши, почто нас покидаете? Пировали вы соколы ясные, Требы творили вы Богам нашим,...
From the bowls of battle I shall arise From the ashes of the fallen heroes And fire ablaze when it consumed it all Realizing that I shan't fall, nor drown in the creeks of blood Shed by fiends of the...
Where was I when the first man appeared and the first word was said? he fear, the thought, the sound... Something unseen or some kind of flying serpent. A forest beast and a nameless spirit, an...
Flowing eternally, incessantly shapechanging They run since the creation of the World From the crystal-clear source of vitality, Giving births, giving might. Small brook becomes a roaring torrent But...
The constellations are in bedlam As the universe never seems to seize expansion To contrive a new inauguration Bewildered thoughts for mankind to conceive Unalterable dire beseeched To impel the...
Oblivion and melancholy cover my way. Night opens the door in the cobweb of time. My spirit is free and I'm going away by the path of the past, to the world of my prime. Lucifer, come to me, help me,...