so you have got to have noticed just how many people are now looking at websites through mobile devices in a long gone what was the day when the phone was just the phone now it does everything for you...
Richard: We're behind and lagging in buyers' adoption of mobile devices, and we are discovering some new techniques and some new approaches to really get back in track with mobile....
PRESENTER: Morning, everybody. We're going to switch gears a little bit here. Is my mike on, everybody can hear me pretty well? Bruce and I are going to nerd it up a little bit and...
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Hello. I'm Matthew Grant, director of content strategy here at Aquent. And I'm here with Jeremy Osborn, who's the academic director for Aquent Gymnasium. I invited Jeremy here...
did you know there are more mobile phones in the world and our toothbrushes in some countries there are more mobile subscriptions than their are people ninety-one percent of all US citizens have a...
Hello. In this video, I'll show you step by step how to start your Bootstrap 3 website either from scratch or using one of the Bootstrap examples. What you'll need is an Internet...
As you should know by now the world has gone mobile and your users will expect to be able to access your applications from anywhere. Fortunately with the OutSystems Platform you can now easily create...
We've gotten so used to designing for desktop screens, and that's natural because that's what the web was born on. But now all of a sudden, we have to account for these...