como preciso da tua presença e como sinto teu Espírito quando percebo teu perfume é infalível eu sinto o cheiro das águas há uma fonte em mim foi teu amor quem gerou Jesus preciso saciar minha alma...



Oi, sou Doug Koenig, atirador profissional. Uma das técnicas que gostaria de compartilhar hoje é o Tiro Seco. Acho muito importante trabalhar nos meus fundamentos e habilidades em casa, longe do...



¡Hey ya! hay demasiadas heridas abiertas bajo mi piel, ¿no te das cuenta? las infectas si tratas de buscar néctar pues solo hay hiel buscando palabras como puñaladas siempre con rencor si te perdí y...



You need to find the right balance to be a cartoonist. It's not something like a 'Zen Buddhist', not all cartoonists have a spiritual elevation. While I'm drawing, I...
Hey! Where are you hiding? I have you now! Oh Robert, how well the wedding has turned out! But so good, what a cute wedding, with all that we have labored... it has gone really well and... and the...
Each human creature has two souls: one that looks inside out, and another that looks outside in. [Machado de Assis] [Igor Moura] [Leo Castro] [Bianca Marigliani] [Inspired on Machado de Assis'...
(Roberto) So you think I shouldn't continue with the experiments at our clinic? (Augusto) Yes, err... it's not good for these animals to keep screaming at the night. (Augusto) Some...
This is a Red-footed tortoise, that we found in the Biological Reserve of Sooretama. It is a male. You can identify it by this curve. With huge ticks right here. I have never seen a wild one before....

