Richard hat ein Reihenhäuschen, ganz am Rand der Stadt Und er ist so glücklich, dass er dieses Häuschen hat Und weil er den Geschicken dieser bösen Welt nicht traut Hat er als kluger Mann schon früh...
5x16 - Sneak Peek #1 SUB ITA Kate, grazie al cielo! Ci sono novità? No, non ancora. Ma stiamo facendo il possibile. Dov'è Richard? - Credevo fosse con te. - No. Mi ha detto...
this episode of the young texans brought to you by square specs analogous is like d partisan by two oh two about markets but when that special puppets arson and how but there was questionable that he...
[SGSA theme music] Cuckoo (blank). Cuckoo, Fran and Ollie. [Everyone laughs] [Audience laughter drowns out Gene's speech] [Richard]: Give me a slang name for policeman. Dick! [Audience laughs]...
Can I say there used to be a joke in Birmingham? There used to be a joke in Birmingham? You've done very well out there, Frank. I know. I've reworked it in every form. It used to be why is the Queen...