( Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Júlio César, 36 yo ) Getting old it´s a hard thing to every one... But getting old to gay men... It´s harder. In a moment, you are the pretty face boy......
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( Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Marco Aurélio´s bedroom ) If you´re a girl they say: "Baby, you´re a princess and life´s a fairy tail" If you´re a boy they say: "Dude,...
( Downtown, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Lunchtime.) ( In a public restroom ) Alexandre Galdino. 26, yo. Hair Stylist. Gay, queer, sissy, "what the fuck"... Fag. They call me so many...
Carro alegórico pega fogo e mata quatro em Santos São Paulo - Quatro pessoas morreram e seis ficaram feridas durante o desfile de carnaval em Santos, no litoral paulista, na madrugada desta...



Dry Todd river in Alice Springs by TravelPod member aguas Dry Todd river in Alice Springs by TravelPod member aguas Dry Todd river in Alice Springs by TravelPod member aguas ANZAC Hill in Alice...