Today I'm going to show you how to make a model of the coca cola lorry, it looks fantastic and makes a great Christmas decoration. We're going to need 12 empty Coke cans, 11 plastic...
E lui vi riporterā nel passato, con giochi merdosi che fanno schifo al cazzo! Preferirebbe che un bufalo gli cagasse diarrea nell'orecchio! Preferirebbe mangiare il marcio buco del culo di...
We know that fire results from the combustion of organic material and air, but don't you still sometimes wonder what fire is? Why are gas flames blue and wood-fire orange? And why do flames...
Both hands this time. Harnessing all the power. OOOWWW! Did you feel magic? Son of a... What's up guys! Stuart Edge here with my good friend Kaitlin Snow. My friend Grant Thompson jimmy rigged...
Hey guys, we're here at BYU campus and we're doing a little test. Do you guys want to take a quick survey It's like five questions about Christmas. Are you married, or are you...
What's up guys, Stuart Edge here with your friendly neighborhood spider-man and this is the spider-man kissing prank. Excuse me to have like 60 seconds for a survey? Who's your...
Che succede ragazzi? Stuart bordo qui. Sono irlandese, in modo che andremo a mettere la tradizione "Kiss Me, io sono irlandese" alla prova. Baci gratuiti perché sono irlandese? Uh...