I've been saving myself for the right man. He's guarding a horse! A horse? If anybody killed him, I just couldn't stand it. I'm scared to death. Get on your horse and ride like the champion you are. I...



Time to smash! Skaar destroy everything best! Fifty tacos says I bring down this whole building faster than any of you. Ha! You think you can out smash old Red? Hail to the smashing king! Maybe, if...
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. " Why would S. H. I. E. L. D. keep details of your death from you? What happened in Tahiti? Director Fury He had a team of scientists...
- We got a rat in here, bro. - I need you to stay on top of Voight's phone calls, emails, his whereabouts, everything. - So who's Charlie? - He's a guy I used to run with. Run with or run from? - I...



(soft music playing ) So I'll pick you up around 7:00? Sounds like fun. Okay. See you then. Gah! ( giggles ) ( grunts ) Everything's coming up Dan. - Ha ha! - ( shop bell rings ) One haircut, my good...