Clearly Protected 360 provides protection from scratches and impacts for your entire device. First make sure the screens clear of any dust and debris you can do this by using the supplied cloth....
This is the Samsung Galaxy S3, a really nice phone. A really great bit of tech. The phone is very light. As you can see, it's also very thin. And it's in white but you can also get it...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red67\green67\blue67;}...
OK, I wanted to show you something that turned up in the post today. This is a usb to go host cable. It allows you to plug your Samsung Galaxy S3 into any types of usb device you can think of,...



Hi, so this a review on the Caseology White iPhone 5 Case. This is the Packaging as you can see. Overall, the case is pretty flexible which is exactly what I wanted. It's TPU, which is a kind...
In this video I will show you how I decorated my phone charger. All I used was a Scotch brand duct tape and small sharp scissors. I've also seen other videos where they've decorated...
Hello everyone. This is the leather style wallet case for the Samsung Galaxy S3. This particular one is in purple. I wanted a different style of case for a change. I get a bit bored of white or black...
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