Electronic cigarettes are the a much safer way to get your nicotine, you do not have to burn any substance to get nicotine form an e-cig so instantly you're on the winning side there. You get...
So, welcome to the 22 nd lecture on Cryogenic Engineering, under the NPTEL program. We are talking about Gas Separation, and the earlier lecture give you following points. In the earlier lecture, we...
In today’s lecture, we continue our discussion on vapor liquid equilibrium. If you recall we talked about degree of freedom, if you have binary component and then if you fixed pressure and...



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Nicotine in tobacco linked to depression. A New Zealand study indicates a cause-and-effect link between nicotine addiction and the mental affliction known as depression. The study, which evaluated...
This life we are living in right now here on this Earth is like a vapor. It's a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. You know what, the average life may be 60 or 70 years, but many people...
Los Angeles City Council has voted to ban the use of electronic cigarettes in the city's restaurants, bars, nightclubs and public spaces. The council voted unanimously to ban the...
In good governance news, China details the goal of implementing a full ban of smoking in public places. Dr. Yang Gonghuan, Deputy Director of the National Center of Disease Control of China, has...
Today was the 26th World No Tobacco Day, and the theme this year was banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. Our reporter Song Wenjing talked to smokers, non-smokers and one city...
Hi, I'm Stone Daily, and welcome to "This Week in Weed" Inside Edition placed hidden cameras at a Colorado ski resort in order to blow the lid off the story that...