[Ray William Johnson (RayWJ)] What’s up guys? It’s been a great week for me! And while you were off, you know, m()lesting Koala Bears, or whatever it is that you do. I was celebrating the 4th of...
Developing my psychic ability was something I decided to do after I had turned it off for many years and the reason I turned it off for many years is because I was dealing with a lot of challenges...



hi everyone this is eric and today i'm gonna cover a song titanium by david guetta without a music and..this song is my jam right now and hope you guys enjoy it too..:) .You shout it out,But I...



I always say to people to be where we are today compared to where we started is like landing on the moon it is astounding and you can't appreciate where we are today unless you understand the...



hey guys kung ano ang impiyerno ay ito kung ano hitsura mo center screen at mapapansin mo ang baitang -hakbang sa kung ano ay lilitaw upang maging pamilya airline at ito ay ang kanilang mga hakbang...
♪ they took the credit for your second symphony ♪ ♪ rewritten by machine, a new technology ♪ ♪ and now I understand the supernova scene ♪ ♪ oh-a oh ♪ ♪ I met your children ♪ ♪ oh-a oh ♪ ♪ what did...
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In 1992 Ken Silverman after seing wolfenstein 3d decides to make his own version of the game, which he calls "Walken". Later he changes the games name to "kens...