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Gospel according to Luke Chapter 3 New King James Version (NKJV) 1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee,...



My power kinda sucks.I may be a king but I'm out of luck. Cuz Superman can fly and he's super strong. I can have a conversation with a fish swimming along. My costume might be...



Shop in Luang Prabang by TravelPod member paisleyplaid Temple by TravelPod member paisleyplaid Dragon by TravelPod member paisleyplaid Buddhas by TravelPod member paisleyplaid Luang Prabang by...



The story started like this, someone came to me and he's got 3 cards with him He showed his cards to me one by one The first one was a Queen of hearts The second one was also a Queen of hearts...
sisters rock a fantage story credits starring: pretty282 and jennifer26615 sis grr sis are you going to senior prom yes? um maybe well im going see ya llstops ll actually let me see what i have to...



Delight's living room Kelly & Taehee's room Eunsae & Yeundu's room Delight's living room Kelly Taehee wake up Yeundu! what is this? I don't...
HI HOLA HI HOLA HI HOLA HI HOLA rain am just wondering if you guys will actually like welcome me into your YouTube family as I call it and in the good way not the primary because I think in good...



Wassup Folks its yah boy Devaughn back again with another video. I'm going to make this a quick one but I geet this question all the time How do I join my Ingreso Cybernetico Team Well its...
Heartbeat Lullabies Hush Little Baby Baby go to Sleep music therapy Two-and-a-half-year-old Amber Hedman is recovering from surgery on her hips with the help of some very unusual sounds It was real...

