Brett Cadiente: My name is Brett Cadiente and I'm with Cadiente Plumbing. We do plumbing in Mesa, Arizona, and some of the services... We seem to get around all of Mesa, but some of the...
How to Organize Your Home Rhiannon: Lesley: Here was Stacey Platt who is professional organizer and author of What's A Disorganized Person To Do. She's going to show us some one hour...
<b>(♪ Music ♪)</b> <b>JO PEARSON:</b> <b>Organize that no man's land</b> <b>under your...
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Three days ago my kitchen looked like a scene out of the 80s - old cabinets that wouldn't even shut. ...stainless steel all over the place. From the oven and cooktop, to the massive fridge,...
My drain is clogged up. This is a real nightmare. I know, It is nasty. Everything is just stagnant in the sink. I need to find the best way to unclog a drain. I need my sink back and fast. The best...
BLANCO SILGRANIT II Diamond Double Bowl is a beautiful classic style sink, designed to not only look great but to endure the abuse the sink must take in the kitchen. Available in seven classic colors...
Cleaning Medical Instruments with Pure Processing Medical Station. Not only can we modify the configurations we have in our shop, but we also have various accessories that are available that will...



I'm Cindy Dole in Chicago at KBIS, the world's largest kitchen and bath trade show, and you know this year's hot new trends are all about delivering striking good looks,...