See, I told you we wouldn't make you wait another 6-months for our next Smash bros. analysis! So yep, Nintendo finally gave us another look at the next Super Smash Bros. game--and what a look...
Yoshi: Mario, can you tell me a story? Come on please, please, please. Luigi always tells me stories. Why don't you ever tell me stories? Can't you just tell me a story Mario? Mario:...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3081{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Competitive players...
Hello Its MagmaWolf Here And were gonna do is play Super Smash Bro Melee Yeah my favorite character is young link and link but mostly young link hope you like the video and subcribe and like So were...
Hello everybody! Post-Commentary dude riiight here! By "Another one" I mean a failed one and an abandoned one Ooooh Cool! Me! Naaames and series they are from entertainment I really...
Hey guys and we got a request to do.."Go Pichu! Use Thunderbolt!! Oh sorry. To do a four Pichus bombs on everything. Why are we on this Squirtle? Uh I don't like this map....
IHDR sRGB gAMA pHYs IDATx^ ;3{f d`_^ 4[`x d`_^X tM9$ mQ}N QGh_ e`_^X; M\=c Y``T OtzP= x`Kn p[m| @i-0r :e$' SN_5 -[ [ [` uW]'H ,PN\= |>9l ;o_Q d`?: SNG"d yP=~3 CEkcd...
What did you say, Smash what? smash 11 There you go! What's Up N****a? Oh my god, RACIST Alright, let's go how'd you get over there, you were just tax i call acts on that what...
hellooo THIS IS NOT A LETS PLAY (it is) we're going to be super smash bros brawl three in the indictment separately here even in pain fault electrolytic name process group of kids okay...
oooooooooo coughing attack, nooo~ Ooooh~ noooo~ How'd you get me? I was f*cking shielded up. WHAT? *laughing* You heard me bitch. YES. I destroyed you~ hahaha I slurred... I know how to play....

