何も感じない それがあまりに当たり前で 勘違いしてた 僕のすべては綱渡り 自分だけが うまくいくそう信じきって キミの糸に 絡められてもう逃げられなくなった そうキミは Spider 僕を誘って そうキミは Spider 何も思わない それがあまりに当たり前で 勘違いしてた 僕のすべては綱渡り 自分だけが うまくいくそう信じきって 恋の毒に 気づかないフリをしてきてただけ そうキミは...



There's a little tiny spider in the corner of the wall. I will kill you. I will kill you. I will kill you. I will kill you. There's a little tiny spider in the corner of the wall. I will kill you. I...



If you really wanted my heart you would have no patience in waiting to hear my voice The clock says 12 but I dont know its wrong cause you said you'd be gone last night Black cat that crosses your...
1 Hello? Hey, it's me, your buddy. How are ya? I couldn't be busier. Doing what? I'm I'm on this phone. That's fair. I'll call you back when you're not on the phone Um, when will you be not on the...

