Do you ever kiss in the rain? Yes. You do! I have. You have. Yes. What's up guys, Stuart Edge here. We're in Santa Monica. Kissing in the rain is probably one of the most romantic...
Hey it's me Destin welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So we're in my daughter's bathroom? I have been informed that there is a spider that ah, well I'm the dad....
What's up guys, Stuart Edge here with your friendly neighborhood spider-man and this is the spider-man kissing prank. Excuse me to have like 60 seconds for a survey? Who's your...
Dus ikheb verzamelen al deze getallen op en we gaan om ze te vermenigvuldigen. En hopelijk dit zal ons een idee over wie je volgende kus zal zijn. Hoe gaat het jongens, Stuart Edge hier met mijn...