[Git Merge 2013] Hello, I'm Matthew McCullogh and I work on the training team at GitHub. And what I wanted to tell you for a couple of minutes and that was a wonderful segue is the state of...
# The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want # # He maketh me to lie down In green pastures # # He leadeth me # # Beside the still waters # # Still waters. # Quedaban sólo dos cajas. 250,000 libras en...
Ghost Shirt dives into crashing melodies, sweet and sweeping harmonies with charming humility. Their music captures all of those great human experiences, like those foggy Saturday nights that dissolve...
Good evening and a heartfelt welcome to our viewers. The new black/red coalition has ordered a new mandate, namely a requirement for all those who become German citizens, also for all those who get...
Hi all, im Alexey. If you learning the Russian language,this video will be useful for you. I want to talk about the colloquial language.For example: word сейчас, easier to щас. Сейчас, щас.Do not use...
[Jenny] For the 7.5 million relocating people each year who face the fear of the unknown, our platform is a location finder that identifies their own personal garden of Eden. Moving to a new area is...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Our firm provides quality...
Do do Better do (Yeh ah ah ah Yeh ah ah ah) Do do Better do (Yeh ah ah ah Yeh ah ah ah) Do do Better do (Ah ah ah Yeh ah ah ah Yeh ah ah ah) Do do Better do (Ah ah ah Yeh ah ah ah Yeh ah ah ah) What...
Cute name. I see what they did there. Y’see, you can get away with that kind of foul mouth when you’re an alien. What kind of alien? Well, apparently one that’s stocking up for a cookout, because you...