In my lab, we're developing a brain-computer interface technique that's designed to tweak the brain in a way that may improve self-control. So I thought I'd begin with one...
I'd like to tell you about the Human Brain Project, which is basically a CERN for brain research, to accelerate our understanding of the human brain. You have witnessed, I think, a very good...
vi estis konservanta trako de kion la c_i_a_ en la defendo fako havas estis farante dum longa tempo gxis uzante nin kiel kobajoj por mensa kontrolo kaj aliaj tipoj de teruraj aferoj oni havas en menso...
Whether its Mozart, Joni Mitchell, Adele or newcomers like Frank Ocean, music is powerful and has existed in all cultures throughout history. But why do humans find music so addictive and pleasurable?...
For years scientists believed that the brain was static, unchanging and locked. But our understanding has changed drastically to the point where we now see the brain as plastic and constantly...