When I went to the hospital they pulled me to a room on the side and uh, they told me my wife had passed away. >> Jeffrey lost his wife to a careless medical mistake. >> He...
Yeah, I'm the good Jew and Imma kill bad taliban Muslim! I stab my pal for SWAG. And I'm going to the camping posishun. With my M4A4, I'm the Jew SWAG! I'm Corpral...
plz like the video sell it gets me p cell keeps he gave me an aging East can get gave me dis so cool all Kia I E really want it but hey go for the 10th time now haha 21 is like place to start...



Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me. And why, why, why do I say this? Because we got Holy Ghost power here today! We got Holy Ghost...
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Welcome to Border Hydraulics At Border Hydraulics we use and sell a lot of crimpers because we use and sell a lot of crimpers, we know we wont from a crimper but also what we do not want we're...
The following content is provided under a Creative Commons license. Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. To make a donation, or view...
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Wasted years. Oh, how foolish. As you walk on in darkness, Oh, and fear. Turn around, turn around, God is calling. He's calling you, from a life of wasted years. As you wander alone, on...