Oh in this day Show me the ocean When shall i see the sea? May this day Set me in motion I ought to be on my way We were there We were sailing on the Terra Nova Sailing for the setting sun Sailing for...
Welcome home, welcome life So unknown, when you arrive The fire, so cut the wire Your eyes, your small eyes Your eyes, your hopeful eyes Welcome life, welcome home Welcome to a world that's so unknown...
This was their first view of it. If you don't look too close, you'd think it was Earth. Breaking ground on the town hall. Is that Captain Mitchell? No, I think that's Mitchell. Are we there yet? Three...
How could I Have led these men to their demise And they just follow? Exploration's last great prize It wasn't mine And mores the shame You will remember my name Great god This is an awful place And I...
la plimulto de niaj klimaton tie sur tero havas estis amika por la lastaj mil jaroj sed dum la plimulto de la pasintaj tri milionoj jaroj poste estis multe pli malvarmaj ol nun kaj la regionoj kie la...