When you break a kid out of bed at 4:30 in the morning and, and he's on a horseback before daylight and it's so cold he can hardly hold the reigns and he's gotta find two or...



Hello! This is Peggy Charlton from Expert Village on how to write new stories in journalistic styled writing. I have already explained to you about how you go and gather your information. So...



Hi! This is Peggy Charlton from Expert Village and today I would like to talk to you about how to write in a journalistic style manner. I would suggest you not bring your tape recorder because...



Hi! I'm Angela on behalf of expertvillage.com and right now I'm going to show you a really simple self massage technique and this is for after eating. In most commonly people do it...



Hi! I'm Angela on behalf of expertvillage.com and right now I'm going to show you a self massaging technique for tired eyes for those who have been starring at the computer for to long...



Hi! I'm Angela on behalf of expertvillage.com and right now I will show you a self massaging technique for your feet after a long days of work. First you want to wash them and after you are...



Hi! I'm Angela on behalf of expertvillage.com and right now I'm going to show you a self massaging technique for those who have a headache at work. What you want to do is stand up and...
The style of training I do is Chinese internal martial arts. They’re comprised of Bagua, Xingyi and Tai Chi. It varies from other styles of martial arts because what we’re doing is cultivating from...
>> 안녕하세요 실크로드에 오신걸 환영합니다 오늘 소개할 곳은 정말 역동적인 곳인데요 >> 전 여러분의 호스트 크리스입니다 오늘 가실 곳은 바로 보령 머드축제입니다! >> 여러분 이제 진흙에 뒹굴 준비 되셨나요? 자 그럼 따라오세요! >> 이 축제에는 세계...
Hello, I’m Brady Preyss of Unity Healing Arts. I’d like to invite you to watch this video and explore how Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy might provide you with the most deeply therapeutic and relaxing...